Lists contain pre-defined options for a field, so users are limited to specified data entry.
SAM Leads manage Lists.
In SAM, click Settings > Tables & Fields > select the Table > select a field linked to a List to open the Field Properties screen > click the value of the List shown In SAM, Click on 'edit' located right of drop down lists > a pop-up to manage the list will open In SAM, click Settings > Lists (displays enabled lists) > select a list to edit |
List Management Screen
Items within the list are presented to update as needed.
SAM provides links to fields that reference the list (top of screen), along with a memo to describe the list.
Manage List Items
Edit List Item
Editing a list item will update all the records referencing the list item.
In SAM, access the List > click 'edit' next to the list item to modify > Rename or modify list attributes (if shown) > Save |
Add List Item
In SAM, access the List > click Add List Item (sidebar) > name the list item > Save |
There is a limit on the number of characters that can be input on lists, but it's lengthy enough for short sentences.
Edit List Item Order
In SAM, access the List > click Edit List Item Order > choose a new number from the drop-down next to the item you wish to reorder |
Enable/Disable List Item
In SAM, access the List > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > enabled and disabled List items will display > use the Enable/Disable buttons to update |
Once you are past setup/implementation, we recommend using this function over Delete List Item.
Delete List Item
In SAM, access the List > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > Delete Items > Remove buttons will open next to each item |
SAM will prevent deleting List Items that are used in records.
Set Default List Item
Lists allow you to set a default for drop-down lists, so that a list item will be selected by default when adding new records. The default List Item can be changed once set.
Merge List Items
Convert two list items into one. This action will replace all records that have the Merge From value with the Merged To value. This action cannot be undone, so use with caution.
In SAM, open the List > Advanced Options (sidebar) > select Merge List Items > set the Merge From and Merge To list items from the drop-down boxes > Save > review the pop-up Warning > click Confirm |
Edit List Name
Rename the title of the list.
Bulk Insert
Multiple list items can be added at once, which can be helpful during implementation of new programs.
In SAM, open the List > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > select Bulk Insert > select CSL (Comma Separated List) or Line-Separated as the format > copy and paste the items into the box > Save |
Disable List
Disables the list from being used with any fields. Once disabled, you can re-enable using the same action.
Divide list into multiple columns
For lists that have many list items, SAM Leads may want to divide the list into multiple columns to improve the form layout.
In SAM, open Field Properties for the field > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > Advanced Field Properties > in Layout, click Number of Columns to divide List Items into > enter the number of columns > Save |
Big Search Lists
Big Search Lists link one record to another record. When these fields have a value, they display as a link to access the corresponding record.
Big Search Lists can have filters to show a subset of records to users. For example, a Case Worker field may only list Persons that have Person type = Case Worker. A hint shows the filters applied.
If a record is not listed, open the entity’s record and add the filter to the entity.
Add/Edit Filter for Big Search List
In SAM, open Field Properties for the field to modify > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > Edit List Filter > add/edit as desired > Save Existing filters will be shown if they have been applied. Click Add Filter to include a filter. To remove a filter, click the red x. |
Add Record Form linked to Big Search List Field
Some of Big Search Lists may need a different form to add from the default add form.
Example: For Case Worker, you may only want to capture quick contact info vs their spouse, shipping address, etc.
In SAM, open Field Properties for the Big Search List > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > Advanced Field Properties > in Special Options, click Big-Search-List Add Record Form > select form desired |
List Attributes
List Attributes are a characteristic of list items which affect the configuration the records with that list item as its value. Some attributes do not affect configurations, but are rather a tool for categorizing lengthy lists.
Cover Page Redirect
Directs users to a specific Cover Page based on the value given for the list. This is often used when agencies have multiple programs. SAM Guide: Cover Page Redirect
Exclude from Document List
Restrict a document type from being uploaded to the Main Entity Document List.
Document Category
This is an attribute available on the Document Type lists. This is a drop-down list field that allows you to specify a higher category to label multiple document types.
The Document Type table can be added to Documents reports to use Document Category.

Used in System Configuration
This attribute is Yes/No depending on if this list item functions with some action in SAM. For example, the AR Fee Type Application Fee may be used on a Public Form for Families to pay and is automatically set to Yes.
Show Item Per Form
SAM Leads can define whether or not an item on a list is shown on a form.
This only shows forms set as Add/Edit.
In SAM, access the List > Advanced Options (sidebar) > click Enable: Choose List Items Shown per Form > click edit for the Item to modify > Forms Shown on section will be present > check or uncheck boxes next to the Form to show/hide that list option on the form |
AR | Fee Type List
This list has several attributes:
- Default Amount
- Used in System Configuration
Birth Mother Benefits/Services AR Type
This links Family AR Types to BM Benefits/Service Types in order to have AR records auto-generated on the Linked Family to Birth Mother when the Service with the corresponding type is entered. Each time a user enters a BM Benefits/Services record and it has a Cost entered, SAM will enter an AR record for the Family with that AR Type and the AR Amount from the Cost.
Checkbox Lists
A Checkbox-List can be setup to link to a text field, like when "Other" is an option in the list. The text box field will allow users to enter a better description and when viewed, the Checkbox will show users the written in value on View forms, Reports and Templates.
In SAM, open Field Properties for the Checkbox-List > click Advanced Options (sidebar) > Link "Other" Text Field to this Checkbox-List > select desired text box field to be used as the description for "Other" > Save The text box field must be created and on the same table as the Checkbox-List Field. A section titled Linked Fields will populate on the Field Properties screen, to view/edit the linked field in the future. |
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